Mr. Guerrero is a senior associate at Bryan, González Vargas & González Baz, S.C. within the Litigation area. Through practice, he has obtained experience rendering his services to various Government and Judicial Bodies in Mexico such as the Tribunal Federal de Justicia Fiscal y Administrativa (TFJFA), the Procuraduria General de la República (PGR), and Poder Judicial Federal ( PJF).
His professional practice includes the attention of Civil, Commercial lawsuits (ordinary, special, among others) before authorities of the common and federal jurisdiction, both in Mexico City and in the interior of the Republic, as well as the implementation of the Amparo Trial (Habeas Corpus) and its appeals before the organs of the Federal Courts as a legal instrument to enforce the fundamental rights violated. His experience has been extended advising various national and international clients, implementing litigation as a means of prevention and resolution of contractual disputes, carrying out preliminary analysis and studies of various actions derived from contractual breaches.
Mr. Guerrero has also participated in various investigations for those crimes known as White Collar Crimes and Anti-Corruption Practice.
Since 2015 he has served as a coordinator of the litigation area at the firm.
Mr. Guerrero has collaborated with other areas of the firm in national and international operations in the public and private sector, as well as in various legal audits.
Mr. Guerrero has taught, together with various colleagues from the firm, multiple courses, webinars, workshops, and private conferences in the country
+ Representative Transactions
Acted as a legal counsel to public and private companies involved to various industries, including manufacturing, real estate development, construction, commerce, telecommunications, aerospace, among others.
Prepared detailed and through legal opinions on a wide variety of subjects, including property titles, real estate purchases and litigations, land use rights, among many others.
- Advice to various International Banking Institutions in various sensitive investigations for those crimes known as white-collar "White Collar Crimes" and anti-corruption practices "Anti-Corruption Practice".
- He has successfully represented various international companies in commercial litigation derived from Credit Titles.
- He has successfully advised and represented various companies dedicated to the aerospace industry using litigation strategically as a means of prevention and resolution of contractual disputes.
- Has successfully represented foreigners in Mexico in international child abduction litigation.
- Has collaborated in legal advice in negotiations for the purchase and sale of shares.
- Has successfully represented various national and international companies in federal courts that have been affected by bank fraudsters.
- Collaborates in the review of all types of contracts related to corporate transactions.
+ Professional Experience
- Bryan, González Vargas & González Baz, S.C. (since 2014)
- Poder Judicial de la Federación
- Procuraduría General de la República
- Tribunal Federal de Justicia Fiscal y Administrativa
+ Practice Areas
Administrative Litigation.
+ Education
Licenciatura en Derecho UNEA campus Laguna (2006)
Maestría en Amparo (2012) INPOSHUAC región Laguna
Diplomado “Reformas Constitucionales en materia de Amparo” (2011) Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (S.C.J.N.)
Diplomado en Criminología y Ciencias Forenses (2012) Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
+ Admissions
Mexico (2006)
+ Languages